Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Tree, The Crane and Superman

A child's mind doesn't have the same expectations, the learned history and experiences an adult has.  In many ways, this can change their perspective on things.  They're not bound by the customs we've learned through our lives and they don't see any reason why something can't be done.  In short, they have an open mind.

This morning on the way to school my son was looking at the trees.  He likes "big big big" things and "tall tall tall" items and basically anything that has a grossly exaggerated characteristic.  I asked him which tree he liked and he told me, "that one."  I asked which one he meant (as we kept driving, which did not perturb him in the slightest,) and he told me "that big big one...over there."

I asked him if he was going to climb the tree and he told me yes.  But then he added a twist.  He told me he was going to climb it with a crane.  He further told me that I would be the driver of this crane and that I would drive it up to the tree and he would be at the top of the crane and then he would climb over and be at the top of the tree.    "Wow," I told him, "that's a great idea."

Then, because he was now thinking of other great ideas, he changed his mind.  Away with the bulky crane and the need for a driver.  He said, "I will be Superman."  The last time I asked him about Superman, he wasn't altogether sure who that was, but since then, someone has explained it to him.  He told me, "I will fly up to the top of the tree myself."   I told him that was an excellent idea and it also was a much more "green" solution. 

When did he find out Superman could fly?  And why don't we have a cool Superman shirt for him to wear, what with him needing to be Superman to conquer random trees on the way to school?

The Big Boy Update:  "Will you watch my motorcycle?"  Yesterday after lunch my son went into the garage and was driving around on his plastic motorcycle.  I came out to tell him he had to go to the potty and would he like to go himself, or did he need me to help him.  He told me he would go by himself and then looked longingly at his motorcycle and asked, "will you watch my motorcycle?"

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Playing with the big kids.  Yesterday after dinner everyone went down to see the new playground our neighbors had just gotten.  Not only was it fun, but my daughter was able to play well with all the older children who are faster and more experienced.  Bigger kids don't seem to bother her, she just keeps going.

Fitness Update:  Yesterday I did a half-hour on the elliptical at the gym to do some cardio as well as some specific work to help with shin splints.  Today, I went back to do a little more and I added in the weight machines as I had a bit of extra time.  I like both, although it's not as fun as the gym with our trainer.  Actually, any exercise is more fun with a buddy in my opinion.

Someone Once Said:  Vice requires training and long practice—otherwise for pragmatic reasons virtue should rule even when moral instruction has ceased to bind.

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