Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Superman Shirt

When I was young I heard a story about my childhood friend many times.  He was older than I was, but since we grew up together and our parents were the best of friends, I got to hear this cute story more than once. 

It appears that Richard was into being a super hero when he was a small child.  And as you know, superheroes need capes in order to be truly successful in their hero endeavors.  So his mother made him a "Super Rich" cape.  She even sewed a big R on the cape so there was no doubt who's cape it was.  She made it a safe cape, with a tear-away portion so that he wouldn't get "super stuck" in a tree.

My son, having recently discovered this guy named Superman, was in need of a super shirt.  Superheroes are big now (or maybe they always are for toddlers and small boys) so I didn't think I'd have too much trouble finding him a shirt. 

Today I went to Target and yes, there were lots of shirts in the superhero vein.  Then I found it, a nice T3-sized shirt with the Superman 'S' on the front.  But as I put it into the cart it looked like it was stuck to a second shirt.  Only it wasn' had a cape on the back, pre-made, with velcro connection spots on the shoulders for those situations in which your super son tries to get himself stuck in a tree. 

I hope he likes it.  I hope he likes it as much as Richard did with his Super Rich cape.  I get to see that cape still as it's hanging on the wall in their mountain house in the kids room.  Good times.

The Big Boy Update:  At lunch today, for no apparent reason, my son looked at my mother and said, "who's a grown up?"  Then he said, "Mimi and mommy are grownups." 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Bracelets.  She likes things on her wrists.  She will fairly cut off the circulation to get her hair elastics on each hand.  She will put anything else she can on her wrist.  Recently, she got a hold of one of those bracelets made with many rubber bands and she's been wearing it on and off, through the night and day on the left and right arms for several days now.

Someone Once Said:  Writers go on writing long after it becomes financially unnecessary … because it hurts less to write than it does to not write.

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