Monday, July 29, 2013

That Insecure Thing Called Self-Image

Paolo Nutini's song New Shoes reminds me of how I feel some days.  In the song, he first puts on some old shoes one morning and he just doesn't feel right.  Those old shoes affect the way he feels with far more depth than just their level of comfort on his feet.  He changes into some new shoes and suddenly everything feels all right, better than better even. 

Our self-images are fickle things.  That new shirt or new tie or a new hair style can make you feel so much better about yourself, your day and even your attitude.  But one little negative thing can make you reel like your dragging your feet or failing at something or that you look shabby.

It's Monday morning and therefore it's weigh-in.  Let's say I weigh two pounds more than I would like to this morning.  Those two pounds, even if they're water weight or a standard fluctuation that has nothing to do with weight gain, can change my attitude about my whole day if I'm not careful.

It's not just weight, because for the most part I have that under control.  It cold be the scraped knee that looks terrible and is going to remain looking terrible for several weeks that causes the downturn in what would ideally be an easy-going self-image.  Or hair.  Don't get me started on hair.  A good hair day or a bad hair day can do the same thing.

Why are our self-images so insecure?

The Big Boy Update:  Poomer Power still persists.  We don't know what, "Poomer Power" is.  My son keeps saying it and we've tried to figure out what he's talking about.  He only does it when he's playing and imagining things happening that look like cars and trucks interacting.  I'll let you know if we discover what he's saying.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Five pair of underpants.  She has figured out how to successfully put on underpants and yesterday while she was "helping" us fold the laundry she managed to put on five once.  If she would have held still for any period of time, I would have gotten a picture.

Fitness Update:  I made it to the gym after vacation and a week of buns and donuts.  It's good to be home. 

Someone Once Said:  You’re a real whirling son of a bitch! Do you know it?

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