Monday, May 28, 2012

Want To Buy: Unscroll

My iPad has a feature I am very fond of.  If you're scrolled down in an email, or a web page or document, you can click at the top of the screen and it will automatically scroll you all the way back to the top.

There's no PC equivalent.  I'm stuck pressing page up multiple times in some applications, having to find and use the scroll bar in other applications and trying the mouse wheel all over the place to see if it will send me back to the top. 

It's such a nice, consistent feature.  I miss it when I'm working on the computer.  I love my computer, my big monitor, my extra quiet keyboard and the speed with which I can do work in multiple applications at the same time, but Apple's elegant interface solutions still make me miss my iPad, even when I'm at the PC.

The Big Boy Update:  He's almost eighteen months now and the things I could write here would make up enough content to merit its own blog.  He is very interested in showing his sister how things work.  He brings her toys, shoves them in her face and tries to demonstrate how to play with them.  If she's unhappy he brings her a pacifier and tries to shove it in her mouth, sometimes successfully.  He sits with her and sometimes holds her hand.  Yesterday he did a pacifier swap with her.  I don't know if he was upgrading his or hers, most likely his.  He decided the laundry needed to be done so he drug the laundry basket across the house.  It ended up near his high chair, but it's a start.  And best of all, he discovered rain yesterday.  He was on the deck and it started to rain heavily, suddenly.  We came in but he stood in the door and it landed on him.  He pointed up and then patted his head.  We discussed rain.  Then I sent him out on the porch in his diaper and let him run around excited.  He'd go out into the rain, then squeal and run back under.  Eighteen months is a fun age.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  When she's tired and you put her in her crib, the big tell she has that she's ready to nap or sleep is when she lifts both her legs straight up and falls over on her side.  When that happens, she's going to be asleep in a minute or less.

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