There's that saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side." Yes, it's one of those idioms and yes, I hate idioms. I hate it when I contradict myself. I still try to remove excessive idioms from my speech, but they invariably crop up. They just so blasted useful in their succinct way of conjuring up a mental image.
But back to the grass... It's natural to think that what someone else has or some situation or some thing might be better than what you have. I think it's our way of evaluating life's situations. Sometimes we can let it control us in a negative way, and other times it's a useful tool to make goals or decisions or to even inspire.
I have a friend though, let's call him Mister X, who seems to be stuck in The Grass Is Never Greener land. He seems to be disappointed by most situations, maybe they didn't work the way he had hoped, or they had, but the result wasn't what he expected. I just get the distinct impression that nothing is ever really satisfying and that he's never going to be happy.
Could it be depression, you ask? I asked myself the same question. It could be, but I can't say. He's a happy enough person, and yet life never seems to bring happy results. I hope I'm wrong.
It got me thinking. I was going to title this blog, "Nothing to Complain About" so that I remembered every post that I'm not here to whine. But it must be hard to be positive all the time when you think everyone and everything is failing you.
The Big Boy Update: For the love of ball. Everything is still ball. Or it's bye. Or it's duh-kee. And when that just won't do it's dukadukadukadukaduka for added emphasis. His understanding of words continues to grow rapidly, but his spoken vocabulary has yet to catch up.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Arms out for balance! She likes to hold her arms way out to the side for balance. She doesn't hug on to you when you hold her, she's in airplane climb mode. Maybe it's helped her to sit up and balance so well, or maybe she just doesn't trust us to hold her steady.
Right-size Countdown: 0.0 pounds to go
0 pounds to go! You looked great today!! You hit your goal. Once I get this cast off...