Thursday, May 10, 2012

Proud... Of My Friends

I was saddened by the passing of the constitutional amendment yesterday but I found out some things about friends I didn't know.  And I am proud of my friends.

I believe people have a right to their own opinions and beliefs, and many people have different beliefs from me.  That's okay.  I have some great friends.  But unless a friend insists on trying to force their beliefs on me, I generally like the person or not based on the whole person.

I have friends that I wondered about in relation to the amendment vote.  I didn't know how they felt.  I hoped they would be against it, but based on some things they'd said in the past, I wasn't sure.  I had friends I was pretty sure were against it, but I didn't think they had any personal stake in the vote and I didn't expect they would make the effort to go and vote in a primary just for the amendment.

I spoke with several friends yesterday and heard about some other friends.  I was so proud to find out that not only were they all against the amendment, they had taken the time to go vote and were saddened and/or angry that it had passed.

It turns out even though I don't keep politics and religion in the forefront of conversation—I decidedly avoid it—the friends I keep close with are of the same mind when it comes to equality and telling someone who they have a right to love. 

The Big Boy Update:   So cold.  He wanted to play with the hose again today.  It wasn't that warm and the sun wasn't out.  I waited until close enough to nap time and then let him have a go with his pants on.  He got himself wet but played on.  He was cold but he played on.  Then he would look at me and whimper and cry a little, but he would play on.  Finally he'd had enough.  I wrapped him in a towel, dressed him in snug, soft clothes and put him to nap with three blankets.  He's still asleep.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Talking?  I am telling you, her babble is sounding a lot less tiny baby and a lot more like she's trying to say things.  It's eerie because it sounds like a much older baby and I keep thinking my toddler is babbling.  She's going to make it to kindergarten before him if she keeps this up.

Right-size Countdown:  -1.6 pounds to go.

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