Three Days of Glorious Rain
I love spring showers. I love spring showers that are accompanied by lightning and thunder. Lots of it. Especially at night. Okay, thinking about it now, I suppose what I really like is spring storms.
For three days now we've had great storms at night. The kind you wake up to because you think lightning has just hit the tree four feet outside your bedroom window—or your child's bedroom window—and you lie there very still trying to count the delay between lightning and thunder.
Then there's the rain that pours down. The kind of rain that's delivered by clouds busy dumping their storm-cloudy goodness as fast as they can. The kind you can hear on the roof even when there's a whole floor above you.
And then there are the overcast, foggy mornings where you need to turn on lights, even though it's 10:00 AM, because it's so ready to storm, only to have clear skies full of sunshine that dries out the pavement by the afternoon.
Spring is such a grand time of year.
The Big Boy Update: Sitting still for a book. Last night, he sat still for a book. Not just a page, a whole book. And not just a four page board book, a real story book. The book was Pop-Up Peter. It was an animated version of Peter Rabbit on the iPad, so it was interestingly interactive. He could touch the original pictures from the book, (the same pictures I remembered from my childhood,) and they'd move and make sounds. I think he liked the story. I'll have to try it again one night when he's tired. In the mean time, we have plenty of great real books we can read to him too.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: OneLooonngggWooorrdd. She's getting more voice lately. She's saying these really long words that might be complaints, or might be her figuring out how to make sounds. But when you're in the car, they sound extra long and extra loud. If there's milk, that usually helps matters, but sometime she just wants to talk.
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