Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sidetracked Again

It seems like some posts I know what I'm going to write about, but by the time I'm done writing, I ended up saying something else.  Not that I got confused, I just didn't end up saying what I thought I was going to say.

I taught corporate education for many years.  Anytime I had to teach something new, I didn't ever rehearse.  I couldn't rehearse because if I did, I'd never be able to say it just like that again.  I'd think at length about the kinds of things I'd want to cover, and the best order in which to cover them.  But I never rehearsed.

Say I've got a difficult discussion I need to have with someone.  I can't rehearse what I'm going to say, because if I do, it's a guarantee those great points will never be said.  It's as though I'm processing something and just by thinking it in my head, it's been dealt with, never to return.

I do that in posts here.  I have the best idea in the tub (it's always in the tub it seems) and even sometimes send myself quick reminders so I don't forget what I was thinking about.  Then, I start writing here, and something entirely different comes out.   Say, for example, this post. 

The Big Boy Update: Sitting still.  I can't believe it.  He can sit still.  He can sit still for five minutes.  And he'll let you hold him in your lap.  Sesame Street needs to be on, or some other kid show he likes.  But he can do it.  He also face planted in a full forward knee to body slam fall while out on the street this evening.  I was expecting teeth through the lip and missing knee skin.  Somehow, he must didn't hurt a thing.  Later, he got hit in the face with a basketball and only cried for a minute.  I guess they are made of rubber at this age.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Holding the bottle.  She wants to help you when you feed her.  She likes to try and hold the bottle.  She usually makes it more difficult to feed her when she does it, so we've compromised.  I hold the bottle and she holds my fingers.

Right-size Countdown:  10.3 pounds to go

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