I'm Going to Lose a Baby
My son is heavy. I don't know if it's because people hold my daughter, and then he seems so much heaver in comparison. Maybe it's because he's a dense baby. Not mental dense, meaty dense. Or it could be that babies just get heavier as they get older and he's getting older. Regardless of the reason, you feel like going "oof" when you pick him up.
We weighed him the other day. He weighs 22.5 pounds. He hasn't gained much weight in a while but he's thinned out and grown taller. Still, 22.5 pounds is a decent sack of potatoes to carry up or down multiple flights of stairs.
But wait a minute. Wasn't I planning on losing over twenty pounds? Good grief, is THAT how it feels to lift that much weight? All day long? Every single step?! I've already lost thirty pounds since my heaviest pregnant weight. I now know why my knees were complaining so.
Still, It's hard to believe I'm trying to lose the weight of an entire fifteen-month-old baby. Our bodies are very impressive in the way they carry on, even when we don't take the care of them they deserve.
The Big Boy Update: Chopsticks. He likes them, likes to wave them around and hit things with them. Today at lunch, he wanted some of my meal. We highly encourage him to eat what we're eating (when what we're eating isn't too spicy) and he usually does very well trying new tastes. He really liked the beef and broccoli from Pei Wei. He liked it fed to him on the chopsticks. He even ate rice on chopsticks.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: She ate a lot of solids yesterday afternoon. They went down, she swallowed. She even opened her mouth repeatedly for more. On the grocery list now is stage one baby foods. This is where it starts to get fun, watching them try new things and make faces when they like (or dislike) an item. Disliked items get tried again later, and with my son, eventually nothing was refused. I hope my daughter is the same.
Right-size Countdown: 10.0 pounds to go
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