My BID List
I never liked the phrase "Kick the Bucket" so I think I'm going to have a Before I Die list instead. There are some things I know I want to do, but it's not a list I'm running a race to finish. The things on my list are usually things I don't realize I want to do before I die immediately, they're things I realize over time.
With a list like this, is the goal to remove things as quickly as you add them? It seems like you might be setting yourself up to fail if you wait until too late to do certain kinds of things. Well, the kinds of things I have on my list might qualify as hard to do post-retirement.
For instance, I want to go to Advanced Base Camp of Mount Everest. I have no interest at all whatsoever, in going to the top of Everest. I don't want to die, I don't have aspirations of climbing even up to the Death Zone. I just want to go to ABC and see the view, look at the glacier, experience the difficulties the body has adjusting to the oxygen-poor altitude and having my blood thicken to help deliver more oxygen to my cells.
I want to visit the town of Pripyat. I'm fascinated with the Chernobyl accident and the horrible devastation it has caused. The radiation exclusion zone is far larger and more encompassing that just the reactor or the town of Pripyat. There are hundreds of villages that were evacuated and are abandoned today and for many years to come. I'd like to go there, to experience the eerie silence, and reflect on mankind's hubris.
On a more fun note, I'd love to live in England. Maybe only for a few months. I love England. Love it. Would love to live there.
The Big Boy Update: Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Seriously? Yes, seriously. I made an appointment at the doctor this morning because he's had terrible drainage for weeks now. We were leaving the bounce land, and he'd had a great time. When we got to the doctor several hours later he still seemed fine playing in the waiting room. He had a fever of 103.5. WHAT?! He had spots appearing on his hands and feet and in the back of his mouth. The doctor said it's just a virus that will run its course and to give him Motrin. "But fever!?!" I asked. He said the main concern was dehydration. Later tonight he had a 104.5 fever that sent him to a cool bath and a larger dose of Tylenol. Forty-five minutes later, he's running around playing with his new ball. We're going to watch him tonight and keep on top of the fever-reducers. So far, he's a champ.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: She is not sick. We are endeavoring to keep it that way. I called my friends with three children that come to movie night on Fridays and she agreed it was better to keep the whole family home. We're dividing up baby duties for the weekend in the hopes that one child will remain sick-free. From talking to other parents, we'll be lucky if she doesn't catch it. So I'm rooting for luck tonight.
Right-size Countdown: 8.8 pounds to go
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