Saturday, October 31, 2020

As a Taco

Halloween was different this year.  Parents wore masks, as did many of the children, depending on if their costume already included a mask, which included both of my children’s outfits, and their personal preferences given that a good bit of social distancing was easily maintained out of doors on the crisp fall evening we had.  

Candy was given out in a far different manner than I’ve ever experienced it before—all due to COVID-19.  Tables were put out towards the street and candy was placed on top in either prepared single-serving bags or just spread out on the table.   In most cases, the tables weren’t even manned by an adult.

The tradition of saying, “trick or treat” was entirely absent as there wasn’t much to do other than collect available candy and move on to the next house.  And while this was quite different, it didn’t dampen the children’s enthusiasm or energy. 

My son left on his own and circled back to catch up with us a few times but eventually left us behind.  My daughter had a twisted ankle she hadn’t told us about so we curtailed the trick-or-treating and came back home after a long loop of the closest streets. 

My in-laws came over and manned the table of candy in the front of the yard while my husband and I walked with my daughter.   We put the fire pit in the driveway with chairs, making it a nice evening outside at a safe distance from everyone else. 

We didn’t get or carve a pumpkin and put up much less in the way of decorations this year.  Halloween was different this year, but it was still a lot of fun for the children. 

The Big Boy Update:  My son got a white unisuit with a strange looking black wraith character on it including long, creepy fingers.  He put orange short over it and was, “an unknown monster in shorts”—a costume created and named by him.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter wore the space ship costume she made from one KiwiCo kit and the unicorn head from another kit and was the head unicorn in the alien unicorn invasion fleet.  I was dressed as a large taco (something I found at Target) and was the head unicorn alien’s assistant, holding her candy bag.   

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