Thursday, June 27, 2013

So and So's Such and Such

We have a lot of people's things around.  They don't know we have their things.  They most likely don't care that we have them.  I hope they're not upset that we're using them though; because we're using them for a very nefarious reason indeed: toddler bribery.

For instance, yesterday morning I gave my children some cereal.  It wasn't a cereal they'd had before, so I told them about how it was, "Uncle Bob's favorite cereal."  My son really likes his Uncle Bob and just knowing that it was Uncle Bob's Raisin Bran may well have made him dive in and try it.  Once he and his sister started eating it, they discovered the sweetened raisins in the mix and they were hooked.

We have Mimi's tissues for when their noses are runny and they don't want to blow.  There is Papa's fruit bowl in the morning (which he is a master of preparing).  There is Bryna's coconut oil that helps my son's skin when he's itchy and of course we have daddy's spoon for when they're just having too hard a time getting the food into their mouths with their little kids spoons.

It's a nice way to keep family and friends close and present in our children's minds.  Not to mention they're always more interested or excited about doing something if someone they like does the same thing.

The Big Boy Update:  "I'm looking for the poop."  My mother was over the other day and she heard him say this and she looked at me and said, "I think I know what he's doing."  It turns out earlier that day my mother had seen dog poop in the back yard.  She'd gotten a leaf and went to pick it up so she could throw it down the hill.  My mother explained this to my son as she was doing it.  So, later that day we see him below the deck, leaf in hand, looking for some poop so he could throw it down the hill.  Naturally. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Cheese.  Did I ever mention that we call my daughter "Cheese"?  It seems like the craziest thing when you're out in public and you turn to your husband and ask him, "Where did Cheese go?"  And yet, that's one of her main nicknames.  When my son was smaller he couldn't say her name.  What came out sounded like "cheese" and it was funny so we started calling her that--and it stuck. 

Fitness Update:  Twelve miles biking the children to school this morning.  Well, wait, only six to school and then six home.  Right before we arrived at school I made a bone-headed operator error and fell over.  The child seats our children are in on the back of our bikes are a hard plastic that wraps around the sides and is so wonderfully protective.  I caught the bike for the most part and got away with just a scraped knee.  A man hopped out of his car at the stoplight to make sure we were okay.  My daughter was startled at the sudden change in motion but was otherwise completely fine.

Someone Once Said:  He who is served is limited in his independence.

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