Tuesday, June 4, 2013

It's One Of Those Days

I feel like I've been chasing my tail all day and the funny thing about that is I don't think I even have a tail.  I've looked.  I've tried to swish my theoretical tale tail to the beat of a song but it just doesn't seem to be there.  So I'm going to have to go with the traditional meaning of the phrase and declare that today was both a total success and total failure at the same time.

Did I get to the gym and work out?  I did and I had a great time with Uncle Jonathan.  Did I get lots done on the end of year celebration and teacher gift front?  Why yes, I got much further than I anticipated.  Did I catch up on my emails, schedule things that needed to be scheduled, take care of things around the house and in general get "a bunch of crap accomplished" today?  Undoubtedly, the answer is yes.

But I'm on a time crunch.  I have much to accomplish and little time and I have more to do tonight than I'd like and I just want to be in bed right now because I'm going to work out with my neighbor at five o'clock.  So this will be brief.

That means I'm done with this blog post.  Come back tomorrow, maybe I'll be more interesting.  But don't count on it.

The Big Boy Update:  "This rock is too loud."   He decided the rock he selected was making too much noise, so he exchanged it for another rock, pretty much like the first rock.  It didn't seem to bother him that he was the one being too loud--FAR too loud--in the car.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Push and Click.  She is obsessed.  OBSESSES with clicking things together right now.  It's very cute.  She will tell you she wants to "pooosh" which means she wants to push the two things together. 

Fitness Update:  Back to the fitness room at our new clubhouse.  I tried to do more weights on the machines than I did before.  I fear the soreness tomorrow morning.

Someone Once Said:  It is a holy paradox that anyone who thinks he is a saint never is.

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