Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dark Tanning Oil

I was looking in the drawer we keep the sunscreen in yesterday and I found some relics.  You know how sometimes things live longer than you expect them to in your house because they aren't finished, broken, empty or used up, so you keep them and move them around and somehow they don't ever seem to get discarded?

I was looking for another bottle of sunscreen because we had finished up the current one spraying my children before school.  We must have combined all of my sunscreen with my husbands when we either moved in together or moved to our current house.  There were several bottles of sunscreen that were clearly old.  For instance, how long has it been since you've seen a bottle of mere "8 SPF"?   These days the higher the number, the more likely customers are to buy it.  If they sold "SPF Sheet of Lead" sunscreen, I am confident it would do very well.

So not only did I find old, outdated, low-power, wimpy sunscreen; I also found "Dark Tanning Oil".  Yes, this is stuff you put on your body to specifically encourage the sun to blacken your skin with it's burning, tanning rays.  This was way before those artificial bronzer add-ins existed.  You had to spend time in the sun getting scorched and any way you could maximize your "time to tan" experience was a good thing.  Here's the bottle:

It smells wonderful.  It smells like my college days or maybe high school days when the threat of skin cancer was not such a hot and scary topic.  This bottle of tanning oil may well be just that old.

After I took this picture I put the bottle back in the sunscreen drawer.  Because it wasn't empty, you know?  Because it smelled like pina coladas.  And anyway, who knows when I might want to lube myself up and get crispy in the hot sun, right?

The Big Boy Update:  Twice lately he's needed to mow the lawn.  He's seen our neighbor across the street mowing his yard and he told me, "I need my mower."  He was confused the first time that the street didn't need mowing.  The second time, yesterday, we even put bubbles in the mower and he helped our neighbor mow his grass while distributing bubbles all over his yard.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  The Bee Bee.  She is very fond of the bee bee.  She likes to hold the bee bee and carry the bee bee around.  She doesn't pronounce, "baby" very well yet.

Fitness Update:  I went to the fitness room late last night with Uncle Jonathan.  That was fun.  Then, this morning I swam laps in our newly opened neighborhood pool.  It was very tiring for the first ten minutes, and then my body just got into the motion and I swam laps for an hour.

Someone Once Said:  It is the child who makes the man, and no man exists who was not made by the child he once was.

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