Monday, January 16, 2012

So Glad To Be Tired

Lately, I've been able to safely lift heavy things and get lots of manual labor-type things done.  I've had "permission" to work hard and as a result, tire myself out.  After being pregnant and being put on restricted activity it was both frustrating and relieving to not be able to do things. Frustrating, because I had so much I wanted to get done, relieving, because I didn't mind not carrying the smelly, heavy baby upstairs to change his diaper.

Now I'm back in action.  And I seem to be trying to make up for time.  If I don't practically collapse into bed at the end of the day, I don't feel like I've gotten enough done.

On the positive side, my terrible, horrible cardiovascular health is improving somewhat.  Just not being pregnant makes stairs doable without being winded.  And we have a lot of stairs.  From the basement to the attic, things that need to be in their right home seem to somehow be as far away stair-wise as they can be.  So I'm getting my stair-climber exercise in without even trying. 

On the energy-level front, I seem to be able to go on less than ten hours sleep now--which is a great relief.  Eight hours should be enough for a healthy, fit person.  So, here's to more tired days.

Update on the uni-use tool topic.  We had friends over Saturday and we talked about silly tools.  Yesterday I saw an infomercial selling the Robostir.   Now we'll never have to stir our pots of food again.  Unbelievable.  (I've ordered three.)

The Big Boy Update: We gave him Benadryl yesterday at a higher dose than he's ever had at nap time.  He woke up with his eyes visibly glazed.  He was moving slowly and even let me hold him in my lap and sat still to watch TV.  He likes baby shows normally, but only for about three minutes and then he wants to go play with something, so this was a completely novel and unexpected experience.  But I'm glad he's better today.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  We've moved to one meal per day of formula and the rest breast milk.  She doesn't seem to mind what she eats.  She's eaten over seven ounces in one sitting twice in the past two days.  She's also down to only one feeding between 9PM and 9AM, although there's some work getting her to make it to the 9AM feeding when she wakes up at 7:30AM.  She got new pants today and some white long-sleeve onesies.  Her hands get cold a lot and I wonder if that's what's keeping her from napping well or is waking her up from being chilled.  When she's awake, it's hard to keep her covered up because she waves her hands around so much.

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