Monday, January 9, 2012

A Place For Everything and Everything In Its Place

I have an organization problem.  The problem isn’t that I need to organize; it’s that I’m too organized, or so I’ve been told.  I’ve been told many times how impressive all the organization is, that I’m invited to come and help the person organize, or that the person was inspired to go home and organize after seeing the house.  I’ve even been told I should become a professional organizer, something I would consider doing.

I should say at this point that my husband is also a very organized person (who even enjoyed alphabetizing the DVDs,) but I’m always credited with being the alpha-organizer.   Maybe it’s obvious I’m the most, shall we say, obsessive, about having everything collected, sorted, and placed in an easily-accessible and findable location.  I do love organizing though.

I’ve got a lot of guidelines I follow that make organizing easy to do, even starting from a completely chaotic environment.  One thing I was taught to do by my mother was to have “a place for everything, and everything in its place.”  If you apply this rule to everything in your home, you won’t ever have a chaotic environment.  But you have to start somewhere and make a place for everything.  Then, when something gets used or moved, it has a home to return to.  This is a continual process as things come into your home regularly.  Every time something comes in, you have to find a place for it and put it there.   Over time, needs change and stuff changes.  If you stay on top of this one rule, I guarantee you’ll have a more organized home where you can find things quickly.

The Big Boy Update:  So, about that oatmeal.  He seemed to like it a lot this morning.  But for some strange reason little pieces of oat kept coming out in his drool.  How do you spit up just three oats flakes?  I have no idea.  He also fit into an outfit his cousin gave him from when she was a year-old.  She’s eleven now.  The outfit still looks good though.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She rarely seems to cry for no reason.  The main reason for crying is almost always food.  She doesn’t seem to care if her diaper is wrecked, although she’s not interested in eating as much if she’s sitting in a full diaper.  On occasion though, she cries and we can’t figure out what she wants.  Like any baby, she likes to be held.  But she’s conditioned to not expect to be held just because she’s crying.  Sometimes she’s bored and a change of scenery helps.  Right now, I can’t figure out what’s wrong with her.  I'd better stop writing this and go figure it out.

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