Sunday, January 15, 2012

Did I Already Write About That?

Every day I sit down here to write something, I think to myself, “I’m sure I already wrote about that.”  Not so much with the topics here, but the updates on the children.  I wonder if I talked about the same issue not last week, but even the prior day.  I realize I can go on and on, but I don’t want to be unreasonably redundant.  

I haven’t gone back and re-read the posts.  I suppose that would give me some level of confidence or caution for the future depending on what I found.  I don’t dedicate too much of my day to blogging and I’d rather spend it on something new instead of reviewing something old.  Or, maybe I'm just lazy.

I think it may be that whatever I write about here is on my mind throughout the day and that can make me think I've already written about it.  I ma have spoken about it on the phone, talked to someone or sent an email and written about the baby update topics.  People ask all the time what’s happening with the babies.  Sometimes, people don’t say anything at all about your babies but you decide to tell them anyway.  That’s a terrible habit I’m trying hard to break.  

Hopefully I’m not too repetitive here.  Hopefully I’m not suffering from Déjà vu either.

The Big Boy Update:  I’ve mentioned before how he’s got bad skin.  We’re hoping he grows out of this baby eczema as neither my husband nor I had it as babies.  Most of his body is better, but he’s got some bad areas.  Apparently his butt itches.  Sometimes, when you take his messy diaper off he tries to scratch before you can clean up butt cheek that's itchy.  That makes for a fun few minutes in the day.  His ankles are very itchy apparently.  We noticed he was trying to rub them on the carpet the scratch when he didn’t have socks on a few months ago.  So now he always wears socks.  Except for the ten minutes I forgot yesterday.  In that short time he rubbed both ankles raw on the carpet and created dime-sized sores that are going to take days to heal.  

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Down the hatch.   She’s not only eating more each meal, she’s doing so in one session.  Not many days ago, she still would take several sessions to finish a meal–sometimes a half-hour apart.  In the past two days though she’s eating four or even over five ounces out of the faster flow bottles without stopping.  It’s cutting down on the amount of burping and spitting up too.  We’re giving her gas drops as well because apparently my milk makes her innards rumbly--which can wake her up in the middle of a perfectly good nap.

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