Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Land of Precious

I'm not one of those people who gets overcome with cuteness, sweetness or preciousness.  I don't saw "awww" every time I see a puppy on television.  After having children, it has been interesting to see how people in my life change around the children.  Some friends, who I thought had very little or no interest in children seem to be more interested in holding and interacting with them than I would have expected.

What has surprised me the most is some people who I've known to be reasonable and rational in all things, have completely been taken over to the Land of Precious with the children.  All kids are cute and do cute things.  It's sweet to see someone who you've never seen doing the "ohs and ahs" in your adult life suddenly being so thrilled with everything the baby does.

Regardless of how goofy my children may look in comparison to other babies, I believe we're wired to find them both perfect and more adorable than any other child so that we don't drown them at birth.  That being said, I do think my daughter is absolutely adorable in her latest outfit or as she waggles her arms around on the bed.  But I don't think I've quite made it to the Land of Precious.  Maybe it's because of the late nights.  Maybe it's the dirty diapers.  Either way, it's nice to see other people enjoying the children so much.

The Big Boy Update:  His skin is still really bothering him.  He's had bad skin since he was just a few months old.  We've been putting a prescription cream on him since four months when it got so red and raw we took him to the doctor.  The redness is gone for the most part, but he still itches all over and we have to lotion him up regularly.  Similar to the sock issue where he scratched his ankles raw the other day, he's got on shorts today and he's been scratching his legs.  We filed his fingernails down to prevent him from hurting himself.  Hopefully by the spring it'll have improved enough that we'll be able to trust him with his own skin. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She's getting more personality by the day.  She likes to be held upright so she can practice balancing with her whole torso.  She likes tummy time and lying on her back looking at the mobile dangly thing on her mat.  She's still a tiny girl who loves to be cuddled, but she's getting more adventurous and wanting to experience more every day.

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