Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Every Day's a Saturday, Every Day's a Weekday

Some days I have to remember what day of the week it is.  When I was gainfully employed in a career climbing, high-stress job, knowing what day it was could totally affect my mood.  Hey, it's almost the weekend and it's been a rough week.  Or, ugh, it's only Monday; how will I make it through this week? 

As a mom, every day is the same.  The good news is, you don't have the stress of the weekdays.  But the bad news is, you don't get two days off from being mom on the weekend.  This will change when the children are old enough to go to school.  By then, hopefully I'll be able to get back out there and have a "real" job. 

I still regularly think "what day is it?" The good news is I don't dread any answer that comes back.  So, every day really is like Saturday.  A tiring Saturday with lots of laundry and cleaning up to do.

The Big Boy Update:  The snot continues.  It's been about three weeks and he's still got a lot of nasal congestion.  He doesn't have any other signs of illness but I decided to call the pediatrician to make sure we weren't doing him harm by not taking him in.  She asked if he had fever, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, signs of an ear infection or was generally feeling bad.  He's got none of that so she said not to worry about it.  Hopefully it will clear up soon.  He really hates us wiping his nose.  He got a bonus bath tonight as that helps clear his sinuses.  He liked the bath part.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She's doing interactive smiling.  When she know you're looking at her she'll smile.  If you talk to her in a happy voice she'll smile so much she moves her head left and right.  She will look right at you and see if you're paying attention to her.  It's so charming.  It's a fun time to share her with people who love to hold babies.

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