Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is It Really That Super?

I'm not a sports person.  When I was in high school I made the cheerleading squad.  At our first practice we were going to practice offensive cheers.  I had to have a lesson on what offense was (as well as it's friend defense.)  That's how totally into sports I am.

Coming up on the fifth of February the Super Bowl is happening.  It's also my birthday.  Now, to be clear, we've never made a big event of birthdays in my family.  I'm pretty excited that their is something fun happening on my birthday that will bring friends to the house.  It'll be a fun time and we don't have to focus on any birthday things.  That's just my style.

But back to the title of this post.  Is it really that super?  There are only 32 teams.  That means you only have to win for bracket games to make it to the super bowl.  I'm thinking End Bowl or Final Bowl or even Big Bowl would be a better name.   Then again, you sports fans are likely to disagree with me.  But isn't there an Orange Bowl and a Rose Bowl?  It seems naming the bowls has some strange standards.

The Big Boy Update: Ohdeeohdeeoh.  Another word.  A happy word.   A word that means "hey, look, the dog likes spaghetti" and many other things.  He has a closet in the bonus room he's discovered.  There are several baby-safe things in there we let him play with.  Now, he walks down the hall and stands in front of the closet doors and smiles at you so you'll open it up and play with him.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She continues to sleep well through the night.  But she's also finding her thumb (and currently two other fingers) more regularly.  Our son went through this stage for a while.  We were able to redirect him to a pacifier and now he has no interest in his thumb.  Removing the pacifiers at a later date is much easier than thumbs.  Hopefully she'll be the same.

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