Thursday, January 5, 2012

To Find a Voice

I’ve done lots of reading and each author has their own style of writing.  There are writing styles that are charming and eclectic, say like C. S. Lewis.  Or there’s matter of fact and racy like Robert Heinlein.  If I want to be a writer, or if I just want to write something other than this conversational blog, I need to come up with a voice.

I’ve always been drawn to books written for the Narnia, Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland age ranges.  How you speak to a child to get them excited about the story is a true skill.  So which comes first, the story or the voicing style?  It appears I have work to do before my next post on this subject.

The Big Boy Update:  He’s starting to show interest in books now.  He’s more interested in manipulating them and moving them around than he is at having them read to him.  When you do try to read to him, good luck making it through the book in any order.  He likes to flip pages.  He’s too rough for paper books yet.  Board books were are such a great thing.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She’s outgrown newborn-sized diapers.  We’re trying to wedge her into the last few so that we can move to size one diapers.  At the rate she messes up her pants, that shouldn’t take more than a day or two.  She'll be two months next week.  I don't have a baby scale, but she's outgrowing clothes and diapers so I know she's growing fast.

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