Our family all left either last night or this morning. Our house, with only four people, seems almost empty. My husband used the remainder of the day to de-holidayize our home. Outdoor lights were taken down, Christmas decorations were put in boxes and year-round items came back out. Overall, I think it takes a lot less time to get things put away than it does to get them out.
We're now back to our "boring normal" home and family. I will miss the busy buzz of a full home, but it's also nice to be back to our regular routine.
As far as cleanup goes, my son and daughter each helped in their own way with the trees...
The Big Boy Update: Not the star! My son was watching my husband take the ornaments off the tree with interest. He was playing with some of the items and being warned that some were more delicate and needed to be held carefully. When my husband took the star off the top of the tree, my son got angry at him. I don't know if he didn't want the holidays to be over or if he just liked the tree. Soon enough he was back playing with other things and I'm hoping has forgiven dad for dismantling the tree.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: My daughter only wanted to help with one tree: the lollipop tree. What she really wanted to do was eat the lollipops, but I told her instead, she could help take all the lollipops down and put them into a bag. For the next half-hour my daughter slowly pulled of all the lollipops and sorted them into color piles. She debated if some were more orange or red. (There were multiple brands and some colors were a bit ambiguous.) She took a break after getting three of the colors into the bag but came back in a bit to finish the job. Then, she wanted to help dismantle the lollipop tree. She knew it collapsed down, but wasn't sure how it worked so we did it together. When everything was put away, she was very happy having helped, and had completely forgotten about eating any of the suckers.
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