My parents took us to dinner tonight. We went to a new "mega buffet" of primarily Asian food. When we got home the children were getting into the bath when the phone rang. It was my father saying when they got home, someone had been in-progress of robbing their house. They think the garage door opening had alerted the burglar (or there was a lookout) and the culprit escaped through the broken sliding glass door.
My parents were surprisingly calm. They had called the police and were assessing the situation. The burglar had gone straight to the bedroom, looking for jewelry and valuables and had taken some of my mother's things including her watch from college and her wedding ring. Some of my father's things were taken, but most of his items were missed or hadn't been gotten to when they got home.
My mother's wallet was out on the desk, opened, but all money and credit cards were still there, suggesting this was where the burglar was when interrupted. I called back a short while later to see how things were going to hear that the police were there, dusting for finger prints. My mother had had her car entered earlier in the week in their driveway (she hadn't locked it) and had the change stolen. The officer said they should report things like that because it indicates activity in the area.
It will be freezing this evening and a large, door-sized hole in your house lets out a lot of heat, so my father was preparing to cover it with plastic sheeting until he could get it replaced in the morning.
My parents have taken this very well, saying it could have been far worse, and I agree, but I must admit I'm angry. I think the thing that makes me the most sad is the loss of my mother's wedding band. It was a plain gold band, but it was a band she's work for over fifty years. On the whole though, she's okay, and that's the important thing.
The Big Boy Update: My son is my little Style Captain. He knows exactly what he wants to wear to school. He picks out his own clothes and puts them on himself, but if you ask if you can help with the clothes as he's still eating breakfast he will tell you, "yes, can you get the blue pants with the red stripes and the black shirt with the red spider?" And if one of those items is dirty, he can tell you what other option he wants as he mentally goes through his wardrobe.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Mirror kisser. My daughter got the hand mirror this morning and looked at herself. I'm not sure I've had the hand mirror out when she's been around in a while so I gave it to her so she could see. The next thing I know, she's kissing herself in the mirror. I told my husband to look and we watched her look at herself, smile and then kiss herself. I told her I'd let her have the hand mirror again when she got home from school.
Fitness Update: Five miles at Five. We ran from five o'clock to six o'clock this morning. Our pace was faster than it is on long runs, but we'd like it to be faster.
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