Monday, January 6, 2014

They Escaped

This morning, not too long before seven o'clock, I heard my son say, "mommy?" and I was jolted awake.  He didn't say it overly loudly, it was where the voice came from.  Normally, I hear him calling out in the bedroom and we hear it over the monitor.  We don't jump to react immediately because many times they same something and then go right back to bed.  But this time, I heard his voice from outside his room...from the bridge on the second floor.

Their room is at the end of the bridge, but hearing his voice from there meant he was out of his room.  I was mostly asleep and it startled me, because he shouldn't have been there when it was dark and we were still asleep.   That's when I remembered about removing the door lock.

I almost fell back asleep when I heard little tiny feet running across the floor on the main level.  I heard two sets of little feet.  They were in a hurry, but they didn't really know what was going on.  They'd never come to see us in the middle of the night before, so it was a new experience.  They came up to the bed and called out our names.  Then, they decided to climb on the bed and say a proper hello.

We didn't get back to sleep, much as we told them they could wait quietly with us until it was light outside.  If this happens all the time, I may well find that lock and put it back on their door.

The Big Boy Update:  He didn't want to go to bed tonight.  After daddy put him in bed and left, he opened the door, leaned out, said, "walk away, daddy" and shut the door. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  "Where's my fas-sier?"  This morning in bed with us she wanted her pacifier.  I told her it was upstairs in her bed.  She got off the bed, went upstairs, got her pacifier, and came back to get in bed with us (something they haven't done before).  She tried to lie down with me, but she was too awake at that point and was taken over by both the wiggles and the giggles.

Fitness Update:  My neighbor's mother had early morning surgery so we got to the gym at five o'clock instead of our normal time of five-forty-five.  It was only forty-five minutes earlier, but it seemed strangely outrageous getting up at that time.

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