Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Stockings Were Laid

By the TV with care,
It's not a chimney, but it's close, I hope no one will care.

It's Christmas Eve and the children aren't nestled in their beds, but they're curled up and their coughs and fevers aren't as bad as they could be during this season of contagion. 

My brother-in-laws, in-laws and parents have braved the situation and I hope they don't contract the latest round of, "toddler plague" we're, well, plagued with as parents of young, school-bound children.

It's busy under our tree.  There are more presents than I expected and my husband has done a lot of wedging to make them all fit.  We have ten people celebrating Christmas tomorrow morning and the number of presents will hopefully be spread evenly across us all, because our toddlers only need so much stuff.  I'm not worried though, we have great relatives who always send fun and exciting things.  Mommy would like to be three sometimes, because the toys are just that cool.

So we have stockings (ten of them) and presents (loads of them) and holiday spirit in abundance.  I think it's going to be a fun day tomorrow.  My children at two and three don't quite get Christmas yet, so we're going to have them eat a leisurely breakfast and watch their favorite television show until eight-thirty when my parents will arrive.  Then, we'll all head down to the basement and Christmas will begin in it's wrapping paper, messy earnest.

The Big Boy Update:  Present deliverer.  We went around our court of eleven houses and handed our a little gift of a Christmas tree ornament and some chocolate to each family.  My son enjoyed the entire process, my daughter just wanted to sleep on daddy's shoulder.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Fever and feeling cranky.  She also has congestion.  I got out the nasal aspirator and made her very angry, but I think she could breathe afterwards. 

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