Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Shaving Alignment

Shaving has come up recently in several ways that have been related but not intentionally so.  One of them was even a little strange.

Hair Reduction:  Some years ago I had laser hair removal on my legs.  It's been nice not having to shave my legs regularly, but it doesn't mean I don't have to shave them at all.  I have hair remaining that's very light blonde or grey and light in texture that the laser doesn't see well.  But unless someone looks close, it's mostly not visible.  I shave every few weeks and change razors once a year or so.  The best part is the savings in time.

Clean Sheets, Shaved Legs:  I don't know how it feels to a man when he gets into bed and has a scratchy beard against his pillow, but it sounds frightful to me.  I'm a woman though and I don't have facial hair (that I need to shave).  And yet there are some things that are, "ahhhhh, that's nice" moments to me when it comes to shaving.  One of them in having clean sheets on the bed and freshly shaven legs.  The sheets are nice and crisp and the smooth skin on your legs moving around under the covers while you get comfortable is so cozy.

Father and Son shaving (and daughter too):  At my son's birthday party this weekend he received a gift of a bath shaving kit.  He was excited to try it out and it was very charming to see in action.  Daddy told him he would show him how to shave, and that night in the tub, daddy shaved and showed both children what to do.  My son did a nice job with the plastic razor, but he was completely unhappy with the "shaving cream" (foaming body wash) that he accidentally got in his mouth.  My daughter tried shaving her legs after that, because daddy told her that's the area ladies shave when they become older.

Fuiotine:  I had a dream I think the night after the children tried to practice shave in the bath.  I have very little recollection of the details now, but I know my father-in-law was trying to give my husband a demonstration of something shaving-related.  I think my husband was busy at the time but this shaving thing was important so he was making sure he listened.  The one thing I remember clearly was that the word, "fuiotine" was repeated again and again.  As a spectator to this dream-event, I remember thinking, "I must remember 'fuiotine' for later."  And I did, because when I woke up I looked online to fine out what the hell fuiotine is.  And something unexpected happened...I got six results.  Not six million, not six thousand, six.  There are so few results that there isn't even a "go to the next page for more results" option.  I didn't think that was possible any more what with the amount of content and indexing that's happening on the World Wide Web.

The Big Boy Update:  Terrible Tantrums.  We are still having them from time to time.  I had to bodily restrain him to prevent him from kicking, biting, punching or scratching me the other night.  He was very angry.  He was in the primal part of his mind, his amygdala, and wasn't able to control his emotions or actions rationally so we had to help him calm down.  All over putting lotion on his body to help with the itching he was having.  He normally likes the lotion. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Color confused?  She is having trouble telling us what color something is.  I was concerned it was color-blindness until I did some more investigating by asking her questions about what color things were.  It appears she's just throwing out random answers or guesses.  But she can sort things into piles that are the same color easily.  So did we not work on colors with her?  I spoke with her teacher today and she said associations like colors can be more difficult than grammar and to not worry about it at this age.  She suggested we can do fun games that include naming colors to help her if it's something we're concerned about.

Fitness Update:  Thought I'd stopped exercising due to the lack of recent updates here?  That pesky dry socket coupled with a wacked out back for a few days kept me away from the gym.  I was back this morning and it appears I didn't lose all my physical fitness from one week of laziness, which is a relief.

1 comment:

  1. Fuiotine update: one day after posting this entry, the top hit on Google for "fuiotine" was this page. Eerie.
