Thursday, December 26, 2013

Colds, Infections and Mucous, Oh My!

Tis' the season for runny noses.  And mucous.  And raw noses.  Don't forget about the coughs and colds and fevers too.  That's right, Toddler Plague is in full swing in our house.  Just in time for the winter break too.

My son has a mild ear infection in one ear and my daughter has one of those runny noses that's so runny the skin can't hold up to the wiping necessary to keep it clean.  She's not been happy with us but the nasal aspirator has come back out and it's giving her a little relief, even if she hates us when we hold her down to use it on her. 

Both children have a cough that gets out of hand when they get in full cough swing, but thankfully that only happens a few times each day.

Maybe they'll be better by spring.  The doctor said today when we took them in under the suspicion of ear infections, that they had bad colds and it might take a few weeks to clear up.  Now, all we need is snow to cap of the winter.

The Big Boy Update:  "Daddy, I have an ear issue."  (Words my son said in the middle of the night last night over the monitor.)  Then, a half-hour later, "Daddy, I have another thing."  Okay, what could that be?  I listened over the monitor but couldn't tell what the "other thing" was until my husband came down and told me.  My son wanted to tell daddy a story.  He whispered something about animals and a witch for a minute or so, my husband told me and then daddy said, "thank you for the story," and my son went back to sleep.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  No nose!  She does not want you messing with her nose right now, even it's to put on pain relieving antibiotic ointment.  It's red and she's mad at anyone who gets near it.

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