Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Christmas Clock Experience

We have had this issue with a clock in a room I spend time in but my husband usually doesn't.  It's got my craft and jewelry things in there and he'd most likely prefer to be anywhere else than that room, lest he get sucked into helping me wrap presents or do some other thing that's not high on his list of, "fun activities".

The clock was an inexpensive one but it seemed to have a problem with a power leak.  We'd put in a new AA battery and in a short while it would be dead again.  Or worse, it would start to slowly lose time until it wasn't even close to the actual time. 

My husband and I were discussing one day how we hadn't gotten each other anything for Christmas yet and we were having that follow-on discussion about how neither of us really cared and that not to worry about it.  My husband had just put the children to bed and I was working on earrings for staff gifts and about that time he looked at the clock and said, "is it really that late?"  Then he realized it was the clock and one of us (and I don't remember who) said, "that's what I want/I'm getting you for Christmas--a clock that keeps time."

My husband then did some trips to Lowes and the Michael's and got some things to make me a clock.  He didn't tell me this, only that he was working on a "secret project" he told me was for me.  I wondered if it was a clock.  I was sort of hoping it was.

Christmas morning I opened a box that felt suspiciously empty.  It had a single piece of paper in it that was a picture of that room where the un-timely clock had been, only in the picture there was a new clock there, and it was orange.  I love orange.  Not only had he made me a clock, he had already hung it.  How sweet!

Later in the day on Christmas, I went up to take some things upstairs and I saw the clock and thought how great it was in the room.  Then I got to putting some things away and forgot about it.  A bit later I looked up at the time and had a "hey, that's actually the correct time and no one is late for anything" moment.  

I like my new clock.

The Big Boy Update:  Two flights for toothpicks.  My son was upstairs this morning doing something with a rideable train.  And then I heard noises in the basement.  That's two flights down.  I discovered it was my son, who had gone down to the bar to get toothpicks (something I didn't know he knew were there).   He had taken a child's chair down from the second floor, to the basement, to the bar, gotten three toothpicks and was heading back upstairs.  His plan was to use the three toothpicks to detach the car part of the train from the engine part of the train--something toothpicks would in no way accomplish, but it was still some good ingenuity.  Can I mention again that he carried a chair down two flights to get the toothpicks?

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  "Mommy, I need more party cheese."  My daughter likes cheese.  She really likes Havarti cheese and I think she thinks it's called, "party cheese".

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