Friday, May 31, 2013

We Must Be Getting Older...

...because everyone is talking about fitness. 

When we were in our teens and twenties, no one bothered to care.  Or, at least that's the way it was in the circle of friends I had.  When we entered our thirties, we pretended like our metabolisms hadn't slowed down and our pants were just shrinking.

Now, in our forties, we're all figuring out we have to do something about this slow, eventual body degradation, and we're taking action.

At a dinner with some friends and acquaintances over Memorial Day weekend, I was surprised to hear everyone was involved in some fitness endeavor or another.  In my twenties, I would have scoffed at these folks.  Now, I'm chiming in like the rest of them with what I'm doing to stay in shape.

The Big Boy Update:  "I ate daddy up."  This is a common theme with my son.  I ask, "what did you eat today?" and he answers (sometimes) a food item.  Other times, the answer is daddy.  The answer is the most common answer he gives to any question about food consumption.  This afternoon he went to the grocery store with daddy.  He likes trying the samples.  I asked him if he had some cheese (he did) and if he tried the ham (he said yes) and what else he ate, "I ate daddy."  "You did?  Are you sure you ate daddy?"  "Yes, I ate him all up." 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  "Where's daddy's gone?"  She's been saying something quite a lot lately that's either, "where's daddy gone?" or "where's daddy's home?"  I heard her ask the same thing about me when she didn't know where I was yesterday.  She can also say her brother's name (in a fashion) now and will ask, "where's Greyson?"

Someone Once Said: When only one hypothesis covers the facts, you’ve got to accept it.

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