Monday, May 6, 2013

Cutting Board Breakfasts

We've moved the children to a small child-sized table for their meals that they are really enjoying eating at.  They can sit down and get up when they want to and aside from our concern about controlling mess, I like the change.  The high chairs are in the attic and that's where I hope they'll stay.

When I was young my mother had a chair she would feed me at every morning.  To this day it's still in her kitchen (or it's descendant as I think the original died) and I hardly notice it's there when I visit them.

In the morning she'd pull that high chair up to the side of the counter and she'd pull out the built-in cutting board that was the perfect height for a small child sitting in a high chair and I'd eat all sorts of things for breakfast. 

I don't know how many years I sat in that chair.  It's still there to this day because it's also a stepping stool.  Now, my children are just the right age to start using the chair too.  I wonder if they'll get served meals at the cutting board too?

The Big Boy Update:  Allergy attack or just sensitivity to something unknown?  He got very red in the face today, including getting somewhat puffy said his teacher.  They called and we authorized some Benedryl.  When we arrived, he was red, but I didn't see hives, just a very itchy kid.  They gave him foods for snack he has regularly.  Did he touch something outside in the playground?  I don't know.  At lunch, he got red again as soon as he put food in his mouth, but his mouth was fine and his hands were fine and he insisted on continuing to eat the item which means it wasn't making his mouth itchy.  So we're at a loss.  His pediatrician has said young children can have sensitivities to things and many people jump directly to the diagnosis of allergy when many times that's not the case.  She's recommended holding off on allergy testing for now.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Shopping for a phone.  She got the shopping cart (plastic) and put the phone in it and was, apparently, driving around looking for the check-out lane.  Already shopping for phones and not even eighteen months yet.

Fitness Update:  Three margaritas last night for Cinco de Mayo and I was not my best this morning at the gym.

Someone Once Said:  A public employee, having no self-respect, needs and demands a show of public respect.

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