Friday, May 17, 2013

Around The Block

I'm nearly out of time for today and I need to get on to other things before I get to get in bed and go to sleep.  I love getting into bed and preparing for sleep, doing things on the iPad, falling asleep and knowing the day is over, children are in bed and movies are being played in the basement.  It's a great ending to the week.

Before our Movie Night friends arrive tonight we decided to go around the block.  That doesn't sound like a difficult thing, but when you add in two toddlers who want to stop at every leaf, rock or excavator (not to mention "crames" and "mint mixers") and a dog who needs to visit every bush, leaf or tree, and it's a slow procession.

Sometimes it even goes in reverse.  Then there's the nice spring weather and all the neighbors out that we stop and speak with.  But we weren't out for a power walk.  It was fun, my son almost made it all the way around the block pushing himself forward on his plastic motorcycle.  His sister "walked" the dog by holding her leash and just before we got home fell asleep.

In short, it was nice and a good way to cap off the day after dinner for the children.

The Big Boy Update:  The best little hooker.  Give him a string and it's a "hook" he will manage to connect it to one thing and then another thing and he'll treat it as though he's playing tow truck or fishing pole with it for hours.  Hours, seriously.  And he'll hook anything.  He wanted to hook my eye yesterday.  Tonight, he hooked one piece of plastic (a race car) to another piece of plastic (the tow truck) and backed that race car down the side of the bed to safety.  He was so engaged he said, "I don't want any dinner."

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  On top.  This is something her brother says all the time.  He is obsessed with the position of things as they relate to each other.  On the bottom and on the top are two of the most popular things he likes says.  Today she's picked up the positional baton as she put her juice cup, "on top" of the counter.

Fitness Update:  To the gym for a Friday workout.  The cough that wont go away is still not going away.  I don't think it's affecting my workout other than being an annoyance.  Of course, it's an annoyance all day long.

Someone Once Said:  If you can learn not to jump when the firecracker goes off - or whatever the surprise is - you stand a good chance of being able to hang tight until the emergency is over.

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