Saturday, May 11, 2013

Nap Strategery

Some days my son doesn't take a nap, most days he does.  My daughter, so far, hasn't missed a nap yet, although sometimes this involves a short nap in the car until we arrive at our destination.  But however it works out, we try to make sure naps happen so that we don't have angry, hungry, tired, annoyed children when we need to have happy, full, rested toddlers for an event or activity.

Today is one of those days we worked planned for tired with great intention.  We have an all-school event from two to four and a birthday party from four to six.  This means any afternoon nap is not happening, and we would very much like them to enjoy the two events, instead of being cranky and irritable.  So, we decided to action-pack the morning.

We got them packed into the car with sand toys and a healthy snack in a bag and took them to the park down the street.  We dumped the sand toys in the large sand area and then let them run around for a long time, hoping this would wear them out.  We gave them fruit and juice and fig newtons and then let them run around some more.  We thought naps might follow, but we needed to confirm there was no way they would stay awake.  So we went to ChickenFries.

ChickenFries is McDonald's.  Well, it's what my son thinks McDonald's is named.  We went to the one with the largest indoor playground and we fed our already full children some fries and chicken and let them run around more.  The good news is, they were too tired to play much more.  We got them back in the car and presto, two asleep children right at Noon as we approached our house.

They're still asleep now, which is good because we're about to head over to the school.  Hopefully it will be a fun afternoon for everyone.  I hope our strategy worked.

The Big Boy Update:  "Sorry Reese.  Sorry Reese.  Sorry Reese"  He hurt her.  I don't know what he did, but he upset her and he felt contrite.  He apologized multiple times in a row to her--and she stopped crying. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: "Hi Reese.  Hi Reese."  She was looking at my phone yesterday, specifically the pictures.  She has seen herself in the pictures a lot so she expected to see herself in all of them.  Regardless if she was in the picture or not, she would say, "Hi Reese" to each picture.  Also, I didn't realize she knew how to swipe to see the next picture until I watched her. 

Fitness Update:  Running again.  Eight miles with my neighbor around the main loop.  We ran slowly, and I took Advil, but my shin splints didn't bother me, so hopefully they're mostly healed.

Someone Once Said:  I'm running late.  (Okay, that was me that said that.  It's true though, gotta run.)

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