Do you remember the age when your grandparents would come to visit, or you'd go to see them and you'd be so excited because they were just the coolest people on the planet? The time in which if offered a choice between something fun and having your grandparent(s) around you'd pick the grandparent option without even dithering?
I remember that time. I had some great grandparents and it was always magical when they were around. We'd talk about going to visit my grandfather and grandmother in Georgia and I would wait eagerly for the trip to arrive and then have a spectacular time in their old, creaky, dark house because it was their house and because they were more fun than a basket of kittens.
I also remember my grandmother coming to visit for a week in the summer and all the fun things we did together. I remember her hunting me down with the remnants of my lunch, finding me at the swing and barganing with me on how I could swing higher and better if I would eat a bite of food every so often. I bought it and I would eat a bite and then demonstrate how much higher I could swing now that I had finished my lunch. Yeah, she was slick.
There's something about grandparents that makes the name so appropriate. They are most definitely grand. My children are just entering the ages in which they're beginning to understand how great grandparents can be. My son loves different things about each grandparent, but he lights up in delight when he first sees any of them.
It's a joy to re-experience what you remember from your childhood through your children.
The Big Boy Update: Eczema improvement. It's not gone, and he still has skin issues, but I realized today that his skin has consistently been much better. Maybe it's the reduction in egg white consumption; maybe he's just growing out of it. Either way, it's looking better than it has in a long time.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Nana! I thought she has said, "Nana" before, but I wasn't sure. She's inclined to repeat what her brother says more than anything else, mostly because he is such a repeater himself. Tonight, at Dairy Queen, we got confirmation while Nana was feeding her ice cream that yes, she can say, "Nana."
Someone Once Said: Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.
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