Saturday, September 1, 2012

Friends Are Where You Find Them

I didn't understand the word, "peers" when I was young.  I didn't get that it meant someone on an equal footing with you in in some way.  For instance, your class mates in sixth grade are your peers.  But your teacher and her assistant aren't.  That's the age I was when I learned the word, and it was many years later that I really had a good grasp on the full meaning.  Another word that always confused me is, "casualty" but that's a topic for an entire blog post.  But seriously, if you're one of the dead people in a battle, how the heck is that casual?  Honestly, talk about confusing a kid.

So peers.  There are levels of peers, and commonly our friends and people we spend time with and care about the most are closer peers than other people we know.  But to me, friends are where you find them.

The lady who cleans my house has been a dear friend for many years.  She is a generation older than I am and she has different educational background and has very little in common with me from a social or hobby standpoint.  And yet, she is one of my close friends and she feels like family.

Do you know someone who is great friends with their hairdresser?  Have you talked about them behind their back to only discover years later that your new hairdresser is just the coolest person you know and you find them to be the perfect friend, dispite how you initially met?

Hairdresser, manicurist, cashier at the grocery store, waitperson at your favorite resturant, cleaning person, these aren't people we would have initially expected to become friends with, because the circumstances under which we met aren't those of a peer relationship.  And yet it seems we can find friends in the most unexpected places.  And once you've found those friends, the friendship is what you make of it, regardless of the dynamics of the situation in which you initially met.

The Big Boy Update:  Vacuum Technician.  He has a love affair with vacuums.  He likes to say the word, drag the apparatus around, help you with the hose and change out attachments.  Need twenty minutes to get something done?  Just give him the vacuum cleaner and associated components and he'll not even notice you've left.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Here, have mine.  We're out of town and the room the children are staying in at Nana and Grandpa's has two cribs in close proximity.  They can sleep through each other crying, but when they've slept for long enough, one waiting up will cause the second one to wake up in short order.  They like to stand up in their cribs facing each other and talk back and forth.  Apparently my daughter wasn't as happy as could be when she first woke up, so my son threw his pacifier at her crib and made it in.  As I was coming in, she was bending down to get his pacifier and put it in her mouth.  She suddenly wasn't unhappy anymore.

Fitness Update:  No running in several days.  I had a bad subluxation at T1 that went on for several days.  At the advice of my Chiropractor, I gave my neck some time to recover.  As I have C5-C7 fused, the vertebra just below the fusion, T1, has to do more work than it was designed to do.  After several days my neck has calmed down.  Just in time too as my nighbor and I have a long run scheduled for tomorrow morning. 

Someone Once Said:  Yield to may not pass your way again!

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