Monday, April 30, 2012

Powder Room, Bath Room, Rest Room

When I'm out and about I don't, "powder my nose."  I have yet to take a bath in a restaurant, and there are far better places to "rest" when you're tired than a place with toilets.  I have friend named Jon, but I don't, "go to the Jon" unless I need the latest advice on some technology issue.  Suffice it to say, the euphemisms for, "going to use the toilet" are mostly plain silly.

But when I go and need to excuse myself or let someone know where I'm going, I don't feel the need to explain what the specific need is at that point.  There's just got to be a better name for the multi-purpose room that is the "bathroom."

Isaac Asimov postulated in some of his future history novels the name, "The Personal."  It's a perfect name.  Aside from very specific cases, the vast majority of the time my needs are indeed, personal.  I'm all for a rename.  But knowing how ensconced humans are at holding on to outmoded or outdated sayings and names, that is not likely to happen.  It's not even likely that I'll be able to drop the old names, which come so readily and easily, and change to a new term.

But I just might try...

The Big Boy Update:  Basketball.  He doesn't say "mama" or "dada" regularly or in the appropriate situations.  But he is fiercely working on saying "basketball."  He says ball a lot.  He started saying "buh ball" and now is saying "bass ball."  Apparently his speaking priorities are a little different than we would have expected.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Not a baby anymore.  My husband said the other night she moved around in the bed in such a way that she looked more like a little person than a baby. Our friend last night said, "she's not a baby, she's growing up." 

Right-size Countdown:  Ding, 0.0 pounds to go.  Well, ding sort of.  That was after the morning's run and at optimal weight for the past several days as I knew the Monday weigh-in was coming.  So, two more pounds to go and I'll feel more confident I've really reached my weight loss goal.  But still, HOORAY!

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