Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Hub of the House

We've lived in our current house for over a year now.  I know the best ways to maximize my time as I move around the house and get one thing done after another.  But I didn't realize until last night that there's one little spot, one small area of countertop, that's the true hub of the house.

It's on the edge of the kitchen in the center of the house that's right by the stairs to the basement.  It's closest to the master, and in a direct line to the garage.  It's large enough that we can put "right now" or, "don't forget" or, "this is important" types of things there and when we walk by it twenty times each day, we're sure to see it and take action as necessary.

My children are currently sick.  There is a collection of medicines for them we've got there.  There are two notepads, one for each child to mark down what they took and when.  That's our current stack for the House Hub. 

At different times, different things are there.  When we don't have anything pressing, visitors tend to place their purses or bags there because they'll see them on the way out.  It's a corner of the kitchen that's not permanently dedicated to anything, because it's purpose changes over time. 

I instinctively knew this one spot was the hub of the house, but it became more apparent the other night when the under-cabinet lighting malfunctioned there.  We keep it on most of the time, but now it was malfunctioning.  That's when I realized it was the hub of the house.  Sometimes it takes a change to make you realize how important something is.

The Big Boy Update:  Battle of the Skin.  He has baby eczema.  That means he needs to be moisturized.  It also means we need to put hydro-cortisone on areas that get bad.  But chicken pox sores need to be dried out.  They are fed, and get worse, with hydro-cortisone.   So we're in a battle of the skin right now.  We're backing off on the Caladryl to dry him, but we're not yet able to hydro-cortisone him.  Also, he's got diarrhea from the antibiotic which has given him terrible diaper rash.  He won't get in the tub with a rash.  Or he will, but he'll climb out screaming.  Tomorrow will hopefully be a better skin day.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  I miss her smile.  She smiles so much.  She smiles and laughs at you.  She giggles.  But not lately.  She's been feeling badly.  We get smiles, but not as many and not that often.  I'll be happy when she feels better.

Right-size Countdown:  4.8 pounds to go

1 comment:

  1. Hi Courtney you have been awarded the The Liebster Blog Award. This award is awarded to bloggers who inspire you and have less than 200 followers. Please visit my blog to read about it. Congratulations!
