Monday, April 2, 2012

You Can't Cheat the Calories

Today is the six week mark since my husband and I started our diets and the good news is... we haven't given up.  We haven't given up, we haven't given in and we're still going.  I'm almost 3/4ths the way to my target goal, which is better than I thought I'd be doing at this point.

I'm even in what I'd call "the diet groove" now.  I'm not pining away for a slice of cheesecake.  Ice cream isn't calling my name from the kitchen, and I can drink lots of water with a smaller meal and be full.  I have so much more confidence I'm going to make my goal than I had at the start.

There are lots of ways to diet, but bottom line, you can't cheat the calories.  You can eat poorly and eat unhealthy calories, but if you overeat the amount of calories you need, you body is going to be kind and store those extra calories as fat for when you might need them in the future.  Try as I might, I haven't been able to find the setting to turn this metabolic option off.

When I diet, I don't like to eat fake foods.  By that I mean I don't want the fat free cream cheese.  Yuck.  I'd rather either not have the cream cheese, or have a much smaller portion,  And if there's one thing I can't stand, it's fake butter, or "futter," as I like to call it.  The number one reason I'm enjoying broccoli so much is the small amount of butter my husband puts on it.  Those butter calories are valuable because they make the remainder of the calories that are more healthy taste delicious so I can enjoy them with gusto.

I'm also exercising more every day.  I'm more exciting about this than I thought I would be.  This morning, my husband and I walked briskly around our neighborhood for a total of three miles.  I got a nice little app for the phone that tracks the route via GPS, calories burned, distance, pace and lots of other interesting statistics.  Running with my friend three days each week in addition to the walking my husband and I are doing is also helping with the weight loss too.

Lastly, a big thank you to my sister-in-law, Adrienne, for nominating me for the Liebster Blog Award.  I was inspired to start this blog from reading Adrienne's blog.  She gave me the confidence that not only did I have something to say, but writing a blog wasn't that hard.  I'm suppose to pass on the Liebster Blog award to other blogs that inspire me, but I'm going to have to add this to my "to do" list to nominate other blogs.  I think I might be a leaf at the end of the branch on the blog tree.  I only know about the blog closest to me, my sister-in-law's.  Thank you again Adrienne, for the honor.

The Big Boy Update:  Eczema strikes back. He's got some eczema spots that are appearing, and rapidly growing because of all the skin-drying medicine we've been putting on him.  We're cautiously putting on the hydro-cortisone cream in the spots we know aren't chicken pox related.  I'd like him to clear all his skin issues soon so he'll feel better.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Disappearing scabs.  I am astounded with her healing ability.  The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad sores on her ankles have not only scabbed, but the scabs are flaking off and there is healthy, pink skin underneath.  If she keeps this rate of healing up, no one's going to believe she was sick when we see family in a few days.

Right-size Countdown:  5.4 pounds to go (Week six check in)

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