Since being on this diet, my tastes have changed. This isn't anything surprising, it's common for tastes to change when you adjust your diet. I am just pleasantly surprised it's happened.
Aside from the obvious broccoli addiction, I like vegetables and less heavy foods. Last night, I went out to a "girls night" dinner I do with my friends from time to time. I checked the Ruby Tuesday's menu online before hand because sometimes a perfectly low-calorie dish is, in fact, not even remotely close to low-calorie. Just because it's a salad, it does not mean it's healthy or low-calorie.
I decided on grilled salmon with sides of asparagus and zucchini. My friend got a cheese-laden pasta with grilled chicken smothered on the top. She offered me a bite. I told her that had she not offered me a bite, I was going to take one anyway when she looked away. It was cheesy (I love cheesy) and it was delicious. But it tasted so heavy. I was really much happier with my fish and vegetables.
We all looked over the pictures of dessert options. They did, in fact, look delicious. But I really didn't want dessert. I still like sweets. But I have much less cravings for something sweet now. I have always been a prime candidate for a twelve-step candy-a-holics anonymous program. But not now.
I'm sure in the future I'm going to like sweets lots more, crave desserts and not be able to go more than a day without a large infusion of cheese, but for now, I'm happy I'm enjoying eating less and eating more healthily.
The Big Boy Update: There's a firetruck upstairs. When he's uncomfortable at night he makes this slow windup/wind down wailing sound that sounds just like a firetruck turning into a nearby street. Last night he had to be "blanketed" several times and eventually we gave him Benadryl because we surmised he still must be uncomfortable as he recovers. His skin is looking much better and we're getting on top of the eczema now too. But for now, "smooth as a baby's bottom," most definitely does not apply to him.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Stomach sleeping. She can roll over, but usually she doesn't at night. Last night we rolled her back on her back multiple times but she insisted that she wanted to sleep on her stomach. I wonder if she'll sleep with her butt in the air when she gets older, like her brother does?
Right-size Countdown: 3.7 pounds to go. (Heading on vacation today. I'll be away from the scale we have at home, so I'm going to have to guess where I fit in for the next several days. Vacation is usually paired with going out to eat and lots of good food. Here's hoping I keep my resolve while we're travelling.)
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