Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Happy Birthday Party

Yesterday we had the honor to host a surprise birthday party for a friend of my family that I haven't seen in many years.  He was the father to one of my first friends and next door neighbor through high school.  She and I still keep in touch here, in the electronic realm, as well as in person from time-to-time, but I haven't seen her father in over twelve years.

She coordinated this party and we were the hosts, under the ruse that it was just a dinner since we hadn't seen each other in so many years.  Changes have happened, as they're wont to do over time, such as getting married and having two children.   From just the standpoint of seeing him again, I was very excited.

So the party was planned, guests arrived and we're hiding around the corner lying in wait to drop the "Surprise!  It's a party for you!" cheer when he came in the door.  And at this point I'm going to change the subject for just a bit and talk about something I like to call "The best kind of party guest."

There was a lady, let's call her Jnet (because that's what she calls herself) who I don't believe I'd met before.  She arrived and started preparing the salad she'd brought.  Then, for the remainder of the evening, she was almost an honorary member of the household.  If something needed to be done, (like get a beer for my friend's father), she was on it.  Forks for dessert?  Oops, we forgot to get water glasses and a pitcher of water?  Not a problem Jnet was there to help.   And help she did, all night long.  It's that kind of party guest that's my favorite.  They make themselves right at home and everyone has a great time together.

So, back to that surprise.  He was surprised.  He was excited to see his old friends and to meet new friends, small friends, excitable friends, namely my two children.  We all reminisced and talked about old times and we planned new times.  Dinner was delightful and the wine was a great compliment to the meal.   His favorite pecan pie was so good we all had some and the key lime looked so nice we all had a bit of that as well.

He had presents, one from a long-time friend in Japan that was very special.  And then the night was over.  He said he hadn't had a party for him to celebrate his birthday in many years.  I'm so glad we were able to be a part of it.

The Big Boy Update:  Tying it up.  My son is good at "hooking" things as he likes to say.  He will hook anything and yesterday morning I noticed the blinds in his bedroom were in a strange arrangement.  He had taken one of the cords and looped it around and around a single section of the inner support strings.  I counted eighteen loops he made to get the pull that tangled up.   But he must have been gentle because nothing was damaged.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Tattletale.  She did this for the first time yesterday.  While eating breakfast she got upset at her brother, came into the living room and looked at me.  She pointed back into the dining room and said, "he stole my raisin!"

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