Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Everybody Is Dead Dave

My daughter is at this stage where she'll ask you a question and after you answer the question, she'll ask you the question again.  She'll then ask you the question in a slightly different way and then, after that, she'll ask you for the same information again.   Every time this happens, it reminds me of the first episode of Red Dwarf, a BBC Science Fiction series from the 1980's.

In the first episode, The End, the main character is on a space ship and has to be put into stasis.  No time passes to him from the point the door is shut and then opened, but much time has passed, three million years.  The computer, Holly, tries to explain this to Dave, the main character who has a difficult time understanding.  The computer tries to phrase the same answer to the same question differently, with increasing exasperation as the queries continue:

HOLLY: They're dead, Dave.
LISTER: Who is?
HOLLY: Everybody, Dave.
LISTER: What, Captain Hollister?
HOLLY: Everybody's dead, Dave.
LISTER: What, Todhunter?
HOLLY: Everybody's dead, Dave.
LISTER: What, Selby?
HOLLY: They're all dead.  Everybody's dead, Dave. 
<LISTER is still trying to understand what HOLLY is saying.>
LISTER: Petersen isn't, is he?
HOLLY: Everybody is *dead*, Dave.
LISTER: Not Chen?
HOLLY: Gordon Bennett!  Yes!  Chen, everybody.  Everybody's dead, Dave.
LISTER: Rimmer?
HOLLY: He's dead, Dave.  Everybody's dead.  Everybody is dead, Dave!
LISTER: Wait.  Are you trying to tell me everybody's dead?
HOLLY: I wish I'd never let him out in the first place.
That's how I feel when my daughter starts to ask me, "where's daddy?"  "Where's daddy gone."  "Where's daddy?"

The Big Boy Update:  Yesterday my son told me, "hi mommy, I have a skirt."  I said, "you do?"  To which he smiled shyly and said, "yes."   (He was wearing pants.)

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  I learned something yesterday.  It was one of those C-minus parenting moments.  My daughter is very interested in feeding the dog, watching the dog eat and even helping the dog eat her food (yes, I've caught her with dog food in her mouth.)  I saw her holding and carrying over the very full water bowl I had just replenished.  I yelled out, "no ma'am!  Put that down!"  She looked immediately stricken and dropped the water bowl right where she was and started crying.  If only I had walked over and assisted her, calmly, in putting the bowl back in its spot, everything would have been fine.  Alas, next time hopefully I'll remember.

Fitness Update:  One mile.  I know, right?  Only one mile?  There were technical difficulties with the morning schedule and that's all that got run.  Tomorrow I think it's a ten-mile morning.

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