Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Are there spots in your house that seem to collect stuff?  We have several and it's a constant effort to keep the piling of stuff beaten back into a reasonable amount. 

The main area we have this trouble with is the children's toys on the main floor.  They have a toy corner and I put five or six toys there, one usually with lots of pieces like alphabet blocks.  They like to play with them and they carry them all over the main floor before they put them back (with assistance, encouragement and discipline in most cases as who wants to clean up?)

But somehow, those six toys seem to multiply.  Sometimes, we do get new toys and they usually go there.  Sometimes family members bring new things for the children to play with.  We get hand-me-downs from our friends children.  But I think the biggest culprit is toy migration. 

Toys are in multiple areas of the house, but the spot we spend the most time in is the main floor so they bring things (or parts of things) down and when they're tided up later, that toy corner gets busier and more toy-packed.

At least once each week I feel like I remove as much from the toy hub as was in there to start, dropping it by half in total toy-count.  We have other spots in our house that collect stuff, but nothing can compare to the collecting powers of toddlers.

The Big Boy Update:  Scowler.  He scowls at the television.  He can see fine, but he's focusing on watching whatever is on.  He scowls at people too when he's trying to figure you out.  It's a funny look and it makes people laugh.  He doesn't realize it's him they're laughing at for being funny though.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Screamer.  She has suddenly, within the last two weeks, figured out how to do an ear-piercing scream.  Now that she knows how to do it, she has started to use it as ammo against whatever she likes, dislikes or finds funny.  It was cute the first two times.  Now, it's something we're "working on".

Fitness Update:  Eight miles this morning.  The training continues.

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