Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Unexpected Ring Consequence

I like to get our favorite Uncle Jonathan something I think he'll like for Christmas each year.  He likes jewelry that's fun, and fitting for a guy.  He's been kind enough to regularly wear the necklaces that I've made him over the years and he's even put up with my children breaking them because a shark hanging from your neck is a powerful little boy lure when you're holding him.

There's one gift I got him two Christmases ago that's had much more of an impact on me than I ever expected it would.  I was out on the vast plains of the internet looking for cool rings and I visited the Human Rights Campaign web site.  They have some great jewelry and clothing and it was a hard pick, that is until I saw the perfect ring: 

Because just look at that ring.  It's both cool and comfortable looking and it has the HRC equality symbol all around it.  I was sold.  And Uncle Jonathan has been wearing it ever since, with only a small break when recently it was "borrowed" by his roommate's son without permission.

The unexpected consequence is that I'm now on the email list for the Human Rights Campaign site.  But they're not bothering me to spend more money on products, they're keeping me up to date on important events across our nation in the fight for equality.

I may have mentioned before that I'm not a big news person.  Most of the news is sad or bad or people being cruel or foolish.  I try to stay in my bubble of happiness, or rather, I try to have a bubble of happiness.  Those who know me know I don't always succeed.  But still, less sad, bad and terrible in my life is better for my overall morale.

But I do read the HRC emails and I am very glad to see that while there are people with a lot of prejudice and hatefulness, there are people who are fighting for equality and there is support from people all over the world in this fight.

I had no idea this one little ring present would have such an impact on me.  Also, all signs seem to show that Uncle Jonathan likes his ring too.

The Big Boy Update:  The trashcan disappearance.  I came into their bedroom after nap the other day to find my son in his sister's bed playing the toddler version of peek-a-boo.  He had their trashcan on his head and would hide his face saying, "Where's Greyson?"  Then he'd lift up the can with a grand grin and say, "Here's Greyson!"  He did this again and again while I changed his sister's diaper and exclaimed surprise every time he was "found".

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Melting.  I've mentioned her love for the ice and ice machine.  It persists with a vengeance.  When our friend, Brek, was visiting the other week she got a small bowl and put a few pieces of ice in it for my daughter.  And my daughter paid attention.  Now, if she's particularly interested in ice, she'll go to their cabinet with the children cooking toys and get a pot or pan or bowl or cup or lid and take it to the ice maker, put some pieces in it and walk around slowly eating (and getting drenched) by the ice cubes.

Someone Once Said:   Trouble is the normal condition for the human race. We were raised on it. We thrive on it.

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