Monday, February 11, 2013

The Clumsy Comiseration

I don't know why some people are clumsy and others are not.  And specifically, I don't know why I'm one of those clumsy people.  I think part of it is being in a hurry.  I try to get as much done as possible, at the same time.  For instance, if I start running the tub water now, I should be able to get the clothes in the washing machine and prepare the children's milks before the water is two inches high and they're ready to start their baths.

So some of my in a hurry-ness can cause me to not pay as much attention, evaluate a situation with the appropriate amount of care or be looking in one direction while doing something in another direction.  But that alone doesn't account for all the clumsy I seem to be saddled with.

For instance, at lunch I was preparing my daughter's plate.  I had it in my hand, wasn't in a particular hurry, opened the microwave door and as I put the plate into it, bam, I hit it on the bottom edge of the opening.  Bits of rice fly everywhere, including into the microwave, in the venting below it, on the floor, in the separation joint between the microwave and the stove.  And I feel like a fool.

I turn to my father-in-law and say, "What is it with me?  I feel like I'm not exceptionally dense, I can walk from here to the store and back without breaking a leg and yet I can't do the most mundane tasks without being a complete klutz?"  And he said he understood.  He has been a victim of inexplicable clumsyness himself.  He's a successful business man, a patient and caring father and a super grandfather (so says his daughter-in-law) and he, from what I can tell, doesn't rush through things like I do.  But it happens to him too.

It is a mystery.  Perhaps the being clumsy is something only the super-cool and ultra-amazing people have to deal with.

The Big Boy Update:  Cranky while tired.  He will throw a NOOOO!!! fit if he's tired and can't cope with reality after school.  He wants nothing, will try to throw anything and it's a battle to get a bit of food into him so he'll calm down and realize eating will help him, rather than hurt him.  The other day he was so upset we had to put him to sleep because he was too frustrated to eat.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: 
No pants?  She makes a mess at school, that we know.  She rolls down the hill and plays in the mulch and generally comes home looking something like a big ball of dirt with a runny nose.  Today, her teacher brought her out to the car, well before we were even at the pickup area.  Somehow, she had lost her pants.  She was filthy and she, "was having a very difficult time waiting."

Fitness Update: 
Uncle Jonathan and I didn't make our Starbucks run, so I ran off to the park and tried very hard to run ten minute miles.  I made six miles in ten minutes, forty two seconds.  It was nice weather (sixty degrees) and it was fun running faster in the warmer temperature.

Someone Once Said:
 Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.

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