Friday, February 15, 2013

Take Deep Breaths

We're at over ten thousand feet here at our Colorado ski vacation. I've never been a victim of altitude sickness, but I'm experiencing some of the effects of a lower parts per million oxygen content in the air at this height. It's been interesting.

Every so often, I feel like I'm out of breath, no that's not a good explanation, it's more like I need to breathe deeply because I'm almost out of breath, only I'm sitting still, or even lying in bed completely relaxed. Taking that one deep breath makes the sensation go away, and yet it's a disconcerting thing to experience. I was wondering if this is a mild form of what an asthmatic goes through daily? It must be terrifying for them.

Through exercise when I get my heart rate up, for instance skiing down a mountain at, "you must be crazy and brain damaged" speeds, I don't notice the lower oxygen levels and I haven't felt out of breath. Perhaps it's because I'm breathing harder and my blood is working to convey as much oxygen to my cells as possible during those times. This morning I did some different cardiovascular work in the driveway before we went skiing that had me huffing and puffing for air. I sweeped snow off cars.

Our cars were covered in about three inches of new snowfall; nice, fluffy, powdery snow, I've cleaned off cars before, but never with a broom and never so easily. This snow was the friendliest of snows. It came off both easily and cleanly. It was so much fun I did all three cars and then, for an encore, I brushed snow left and right off the driveway. Where I'm from in the south, snow mushes and slashes and clumps and makes your back and arms ache and usually invokes swearing. But this snow was fun.

The Big Boy Update:  Ear infection. The fever he had yesterday that caused him to be sent home from daycare early and the general malaise along with a bit of vomiting and he got a bonus vacation visit to the local pediatrician today. Thankfully, it's an ear infection and easily treated with antibiotics. He is already feeling more chipper. Tomorrow, we hope he'll even be hungry again.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Did she miss him? We heard she was fussy on and off at daycare today. Did she miss her brother? She's always gone to school with her brother in the next room. When she got home today though, she was not only smiles, she was laughs and all manner of happy to see all her family who happily welcomed her home.

Fitness Update:  Steeper and faster. More slopes today, higher up the mountain and a higher level of comfort. We plan on going to the top of the mountain tomorrow and there's a chance we may have to traverse a small section of blue slope to get to the second lift up. My husband says I can do it. I hope he's right.

Someone Once Said:  Peace is an extension of war by political means. Plenty of elbowroom is pleasanter—and much safer.

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