Monday, February 11, 2013

I Used to Be a Dog

Yesterday was the Chinese New Year.  We celebrated by going to a Chinese restaurant, specifically the restaurant owned by my daughter's teacher and her husband.  There was an additional bonus, which was their daughter was selling homemade pies out in front of the restaurant to help raise funds for her horse riding goals this year.

So we went and had a delicious dinner.  My daughter had a messy dinner.  My son had a sleepy dinner.  And then we just about bought out some of the pie stock from Maddie's booth out front.  These were small, single person pies but they were very elegant looking and, as we found out later, each exceptionally delicious.  These weren't little girl cupcakes or brownies, these were pastries, and they were good.

But back to the meal and the Chinese New Year.  I was born in 1970 and 1970 was the Year of the Dog.  My mother-in-law said last night that she was also a Dog in the Chinese calendar.  And then I remembered something, I said, "I believe I thought I was a dog for many years, but for some reason, I think I'm actually not."  So we looked it up because I had no idea what I was.

We call the full year by the main animal for the year, but as the Chinese New Year wasn't starting in 2013 until yesterday, all of the people born before February 10th were a different animal than those born in the rest of the year.

And guess what, the Year of the Dog in 1970 started exactly one day after I was born.  So all this time I thought I was a dog person, but no, it turns out I'm a rooster.

The Big Boy Update:  Limp check.  His doctor checked his leg and limp out today, saw nothing she could diagnose, which is good.  Treat with ibuprofen for a few days and see if it improves on its own as it is hopefully just a strain or sprain.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Doggie no.  The other day the dog became interested in a toy my daughter had.  As the dog batted it away to play with it, my daughter said to her, "No.  noooooo.  NOOOOOOO. no. noooo..."  And then it was gone under the bed.  So she followed the dog and the toy under the bed.  Only she didn't realize she had to keep her head down.  I watched her bang and bang her head again as she got in to get the toy and then shimmy back out.  Hopefully she will have learned for next time.

Fitness Update:  Uncle Jonathan and I have a strange fitness plan today.  We're going to run up along the semi-busy, no sidewalk, large hilled road to the closest shopping strip and have a Starbucks coffee.  It's about two-and-a-half miles.  Then, after we're thoroughly full of milk and coffee and caffeinated, we're going to run back down that same hill with the grassy drop-off shoulders on the side of the road and come home in the damp, possibly drizzling weather.  It should be fun.

Someone Once Said:  The trouble with defining in words anything as basic as love is that the definition can’t be understood by anyone who has not experienced it.

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