Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Time to catch up on some random topics again.  Little things that don't merit a full blog post, or so it would seem to me.

The Flying Sprint
Uncle Jonathan and I were out running the other day when a man dashed, and I mean dashed by us running at full speed.  I told him way to show us up and he said he was just practicing sprints.  Shortly, he turned around and ran back at normal speed before starting another short sprint.  Last night I decided to practice some sprinting myself.  I started sprinting and I was running fast, so fast, so not-possible fast.  I was running so fast that, just like this quote from Through The Looking Glass where Alice goes down stairs, my feet started floating off the concrete: "She just kept the tips of her fingers on the hand-rail, and floated gently down without even touching the stairs with her feet."   And what was even more amazing was that I didn't get tired.  I was sprinting full out and I wasn't even winded.  Also, I was dreaming.

It's One Car Again
Have you ever had a thought that just popped into your head and on reflection realized it made no sense?  I took our minivan, that desperately needed a cleaning inside and out, to the car wash yesterday.  There was salt and dirt and drywall dust on the outside and the inside had food and playground sand and school mulch and dust all over it.  When I got back inside the car there was so much less visual distraction from all the debris that I thought, "Ahhh, it's one car again."  Yeah, makes no sense, I know.  I will be checking into the mental institution as soon as I figure out where the free one is.

The Two Types of Mornings
Some mornings I wake up to preparing breakfasts, getting children ready for school and having a clean load of laundry to fold and clean dishes to unload.  But some mornings, like this morning, there is no laundry to fold and the dishwasher was emptied last night.  And I can sigh, sit down with a cup of coffee and a honey English muffin and relax while my children make a mess of their breakfast plates.  I like mornings like today.

Australia, The Grand Canyon and that other place
This is not a travel topic.  It's the names I've given the three surgical sites on my backside from the abscess surgery.  "Australia" refers to the one that was an Australian-shaped hole.  It's doing quite well and is not even remotely Australian-shaped anymore.  Go healing.  "That other place" is the very small site that closed very quickly and will most likely not even be noticeable in a year.  Then there is "The Grand Canyon" which was the initial, and largest site.  I now understand how important it is to keep packing the wound for as long as you can because any area that doesn't fill in from the interior will be a divot after the final healing.  Given the size of this main area, it's healing very well, but it's going to some time before The Grand Canyon is less than grand.

The Big Boy Update:  Shoulder Pasta.  Last night after we'd removed his bandage, removed and trimmed an inch of packing and let him play in the bath for a while, we sat him on the counter where he can look at himself while we dry his hair.  He knows all about his "boo boo's."  He was looking at his shoulder, which had about an inch of packing hanging out of the incision and said, "pasta!"  And it did indeed look like pasta.  Shoulder pasta.  Boo boo pasta.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My Birthday Song.  Her brother can sing a line of the Happy Birthday song.  He likes to sing it regularly.  Yesterday on the way home from lunch, I was singing the birthday song in the car.  I stopped and I couldn't believe it, but my daughter can sing "ha pah buhhhh da" and once she get's started, she keeps at it.  It was a sweet and unexpected gift for my birthday from her.  I told my husband about it and later that night in the car we sang, and again, she sang back.

Someone Once Said:  I would rather have your respect than your tolerance

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