Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hit With A Mack Truck

Okay, not literally, but that's what it feels like.  My son was feeling poorly at school yesterday and after we got him home and napped he woke up and started vomiting.  While this was going on, my husband said he suddenly was feeling ill too.  Mom came over to help and my neighbor and I ran of to run (that part I mean literally.)  I got back, my son was still heaving and not hungry and then an hour later, boom, I'm sick.  All signs point to the Noro Virus.

I've never had something come on so quickly.  I was fine, I was running and then I could feel this veil of illness coming down over me like a lead blanket.  I started to vomit too and while my son and husband got better a few hours later, my malaise kept with me through the night.

I did eventually stop vomiting in the middle of the night and I'm able to eat now, but I feel achy enough to merit either a full blown car accident impact or a high fever-type of body aches.  I took two Advil, hopefully that will help.  And a multivitamin; those are always helpful in their own way.

We have a school function tonight and a sitter scheduled.  I hope this twenty-four hour bug holds to its allotted time and doesn't go over. 

The Big Boy Update:  He's better, but he's tired.  He slept through the night and is normal today aside from being somewhat cranky and extra tired.   In the tub earlier he "caught" a plastic fish (dolphin) on a plastic fishing pole and said to me, "I caught the dolphin.  Look at that!"

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  No signs of illness other than being more tired than normal.  I hope she doesn't catch it.  She slept well through the night, so perhaps she has this Noro Virus, but has had the most mild case of all of us.

Someone Once Said:  I don’t mind wasting a bullet on a corpse. Especially one who is playing ‘possum.

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