Sunday, July 1, 2012

Words He Does Not Say

My son is picking up new words every day.  He knows body parts and names for all sorts of things we didn't realize he knew until he suddenly demonstrates he knows them.  At eighteen months you'd think he'd know, "momma" and "daddy" but he's only getting there now.

We say the words all the time.  But he doesn't call our names or refer to us.  He also never says his own name.  He says his sister's name a lot and the dog is pointed out without fail, but for some reason we just don't rate as parents in his vocabulary.

About two weeks ago he started saying, "daddy" somewhat regularly in direct relation or to my husband.  As far as "momma," he says, "ma ma ma ma" a lot, but not in any particular direction.  Every time he said it I'd say, "yes, what do you need?"

Yesterday was the first time he very clearly demonstrated he knew who I was.  He was busy with one of his most enthusiastic fetishes, shoes.  He had found my shoes.  He brought one over to me and said, "momma" as he tried to get my attention so that he could work on getting my shoe on my already shod foot.

Coincidence?  I don't think so, he said it again at dinner.  Maybe I will be an important part of his life after all.

The Big Boy Update:  Noo dul.  Aside from the "words he does not say," he picks up all sorts of words after asking you what something is.  Yesterday he was playing with the pool noodles and after I told him what they were, he easily said noodle and then proceeded to dump both of them off the deck and then tell them, "bye bye."

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Spirograph Girl.  She does this sit, got forward, try to crawl, stand on her feet and hands, go back to sit in a rotated direction loop that makes me want to put some finger paints on her butt and hands to see if we could get a nice Spirograph pattern on the floor after she makes a full rotation of the area.

Running Update:  Tenth shy of a quarter.  Yesterday I got up early enough to run a full run.  I got back to the neighborhood and checked the distance and I was just over six miles.  I figured I could push myself to a new best distance, so I ran around the neighborhood looking at the houses under construction until I got to 6.5 miles.  When I got home I realized if I had gone just one tenth of a mile more I would have made a quarter marathon in distance.

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