- I was online from 8:45-1:00 in an online continuing education class to maintain my real estate license
- Prior to 8:45, I was online confirming emails and anything else I need to do so I could begin class at 9:00
- During breaks, I sent text messages, checked email and grabbed more coffee
- After class, I worked with Shane on both an iPad and Mac to get my daughter logged into her school portal and Google Drive
- My daughter and I then jumped into a Google meet with her braillest for over an hour where the two of them played a game of Monopoly, completely managed by my daughter with a little organizational help from me.
- While Monopoly was going on I was scanning my daughter's daily work into a PDF which I uploaded to Google Drive and then sent to her teachers after game time with Mrs. B. was over.
- I then came to the basement printing Nana's newest story on the Embosser for my daughter's reading tomorrow.
- I remotely connected to my mother's computer while on a call with her to figure out a few things that had been going on on her machine. Aside: three cheers for remote desktop technology it is truly a lifesaver.
- Now that everything is printed (embossed) and tech support is completed, I'm writing this blog post.
- When I press submit here, I'm going upstairs where I will relax by watching something on my iPad.
My children have things they have to do every day including Google Meets, Zoom meetings, and video tutorials or teacher lessons. After school, there are Facetime or skype calls to family members. Then, when school is finally done, sometimes we let my son watch a show to relax. My daughter listens to audiobooks, which in a way are her screens.
My husband and son get the prize for the day. I came upstairs and saw them both reading actual books. My daughter gets second place prize for reading Nana's short stories. It's our digital life. We're alone, but we're doing an awful lot to be together even so.
The Big Boy Update: When my husband read the story about my son and the game ad last night he took it in a wholly different way than it was intended. He thought it meant that my son was showing aggressive tendencies and wanted to shove the girl on the bed. It was far from that, he's too young to understand anything other than he definitely doesn't want to kiss a girl. I'm only rarely allowed to give him a kiss. Usually he wipes them off and gets angry at me.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: My daughter played Monopoly for over an hour with Ms. B. today. There is a lot to coordinate in the game if you're sighted. If you're blind it's doubly hard. She did an admirable job of being the banker and managing both her and Ms. B.'s piece movement. She managed all the money coming in and out for purchasing properties, handled making change and always got the answer right (with a little encouragement from Ms. B. and me for harder problems.). At the end of day one she is looking to have a stronger position on the board. Ms. B. unfortuately ended up in jail multiple times. They pick up the game later this week. We'll see how things pan out when more properries have been bought.
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