My daughter, even in her vision-impaired state summed it up well in the picture she painted today:
When I asked her what she had painted she said, “there’s the sun, and that’s a rainbow and the blue part is the rain.” I asked her what the yellow part was and she said, “oh, that’s the pollen.”
The Big Boy Update: My son has a lightsaber friend. He and Hudson, who lives two houses down the street, meet up in the front yards and bring out their various light sabers (some foam, some plastic, some parts of other toys being repurposed as makeshift lightsabers due to color, and have battles. Today, Whitaker joined them in a three-way battle.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: On the painting front, my daughter was painting during her play therapy session today. In the category of “advantages having a visually impaired child” her therapist text messaged me and said to come quietly into the room. Because she couldn’t see me sitting five-feet away, I watched the entire session play out. She was painting and describing things. She started a new piece and told Dhruti this about what she was planning to paint, “it’s going to be a rainbow of a rainbow picture of a square.”
I really like the picture Reese painted. I, too, thought rain was blue and she got pollen right on the button!